Oil Paintings
The whole world in a grain of sand, and the Infinite in a young man typing at a computer. Hanley transforms the worldly into a breakthrough of eternal light.
Author Thomas Moore
David Leaving, on wood, 18" x24"
Ways to Pray, on wood 20" x20"
Vegetative Soul, Canvas on Wood, 14" x 11"
Sean on the Train with David, on Linen 40" x 30"
Two Cameras, on Wood, 24" x 18"
Airport, on Canvas 14” x 11”
Face Time, on Wood, 18" x 24"
Land of Attachment, on Wood 18" x 18"
Chris' Funeral, on Wood, 18" x 18"
What's Going On?, on Wood 18" x 18"
Yesterday's Tea, On Canvas, 22" x 14"
NY Dinner, on Linen 30" x 40"
Three Bodhisattvas, on Linen 72" x 60"
Pink Rain, on Aluminum, 16" x 20"
Headscarf Paddleboard, on Canvas, 48" x 36"
Cocooning, on Linen, 30" x 40"
On to the Dance Floor, on Linen, 6' x 5'
Interspecies Parenthood, on Canvas 14” x 11”
Works on Paper
I paint the world I see around me - it’s beauty, the challenges and the changes we are all living through. - Joan Hanley
Garden Reflections, Gouache, 19.5" x 13"
Apple Tree Man, Gouache, 9" x 9"
Snowy Roofs Next Door, Gouache, 9 "x 9"
Winter Lawn Chairs, Gouache, 8" x 11"
Threshold, Gouache, 11" x 14"
LA, Handmade Ink, 11" x 14"
The visit/ Exit, Gouache, 11" x 14"
Hammock Shadows, Gouache, 9" x 9"
Bird Feeder, Gouache, 12" x 11"
Highway Landscape, Gouache, 11" x 14"
Cousins, Handmade Ink, 11" x 14"
Teen Bedroom Portrait, Colored Pencil, 14" x 14"